Truth seeker 674
JoinedTopics Started by Truth seeker 674
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
whats in your heart?
by new hope and happiness inwhy was the ministry so much arguing over who our perception of god was?..
when we were witnessing we could thank jehover for the trinity...but now i think the trinity is what jehovers witnesses like to discuss as it avoids stops any talk on real understanding.....because our god is different and right we could always fall back on the trinity.. .
MAN is a late arrival--why blame him for everything?
by Terry inalmost every watchtower publication we've ever seen begins in the garden of eden.
we are told the earth was created for man.
we are told man was given a paradise and that his disobedience introduced to the world sin and death.
Time for this Newbie to say - Hello everyone!
by SeventhSojourn inin just the several months i've been lurking here, i have benefited from many of the posters comments and viewpoints.
this is truly a special place for the unique community that has been created here.. after years of holding off my exit from the org (that may be another post) i recently became officially out (by letter of da), but it was a very difficult process as many of you know.
thankfully, i now have my wife (was also a witness) onboard and we support each other.
who pays for this
by Truth seeker 674 ini am new here was born and raised in the "truth" was disfellowshipped in the eighties (my choice) i was wondering if any one could tell me who pays for this web site and who looks after it?.
Are there people who have returned
by His Excellency inconsidering all the consequences of leaving the organization (especially the loss of family), some who have already known ttat have decided to return and continue with the flow just to keep their families and friend.. my question is if anyone here had tried it and how they have been managing living a lie constantly day-after-day?, as i am seriously considering returnning back to the full routine..
Should I just DA or get DFD?
by Julia Orwell inmy never-a-jw dad told me today that mongrel jws who turn on me were never truly my friends and i'm better off without them, so why worry if i get disfellowshiped?.
i fear being disfellowshiped because my name will be dragged through the mud.
i also think it might be a good idea to da or get dfd because then the link is broken and the fade is over.
Every Ex-JW can learn very important parallels from this video
by Terry inthe speaker in the video was genitally mutilated as a young girl.
as a muslim she had been devout and even on the fringe.. however, events in her life drove her into an escape into free society.. she is an outspoken person much despised as an apostate.. in this video her explanation of the psychology of absolute belief is the sort of carefully wrought clarification which can.
be an epiphany for former jehovah's witnesses as well.. it is a helluva clear deconstruction of what makes islam tick, too.. .
Is there a 'third' way to leave?
by Splash inonce baptised, apart from death there are really just two ways to leave the congregation: df or da.. but notice this quote:.
"does he really desire to disassociate himself, or does he simply no longer want to associate actively with the congregation?".
- shepherd the flock of god (2010) p. 111. .
Most Awkward, Embarrassing, Comical things you Experienced as a Witness ?
by flipper inmany of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.